Pittsburgh, May 16, 2016 -- Nitin Agarwal, MD, second-year resident with the University of Pittsburgh Department of Neurological Surgery has been selected as a Council of State Neurological Societies (CSNS) Socioeconomic Fellow for 2016-17.
The goal of the fellowship is to train residents to gain competence in, and understanding on, the full spectrum of socioeconomic issues impacting on neurosurgery. It is funded and overseen by the CSNS and administered through the fellowship committee of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.
The CSNS is made up of members of state neurosurgical societies and functions as a joint committee of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS). The group is a collaborative organization of neurosurgeons and residents that serve as a resource and advocate on socioeconomic issues for the benefit of patients and the profession.