Pittsburgh, August 11, 2015 -- Peter C. Gerszten, MD, MPH, Peter E. Sheptak Professor of Neurological Surgery and Radiation Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh, is co-editor of the newly released, second edition textbook, Spine Radiosurgery, a comprehensive look into the latest devices, treatment planning techniques, target definition, and patient selection in the field of spine radiosurgery. Published by Thieme, the book is also co-edited by Samuel Ryu, MD, professor and chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Stony Brook University Cancer Center in New York.
According to the publisher, the second edition book offers “six new chapters on such topics as histopathological examination of spinal lesions, minimally invasive techniques, and treatment of spinal chordomas; more than 100 full-color illustrations; and a discussion of new treatments for metastatic spine disease and spinal cord compression.”
Dr. Gerszten is a pioneer in the field of spine radiosurgery and is highly involved in the instruction of this developing area of neurosurgery both nationally as well as internationally. His clinical interests include minimally invasive approaches to the treatment of spinal disorders and spinal tumors
Dr. Gerszten is also co-editor of the 2013 book Controversies in Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Best Evidence Recommendations, a look into an evidence-based approach to stereotactic radiosurgery for the brain and spine.
For more information on the book, please visit the Thieme website.