Pittsburgh, September 29, 2017 -- PGY-4 resident Jeremy Stone, MD, was named a winner of a 2017 UPMC Medical Education LEAP Award for Patient Safety and Quality Improvement for his poster “Reduction in Ventriculostomy-Associated Infections Following Implementation of Novel Guidelines for External Ventricular Drain Placement and Cerebrospinal Fluid Sampling at UPMC Presbyterian Hospital.”
According to UPMC, "the award honors resident and fellow physician trainees who devote their time to creating a culture of safety through continuous care improvement. This award is presented to teams of physicians-in-training and their peers for completing quality improvement projects that have made an impact in their clinical learning environments and the overall outcomes of care within a facility. Recipients of this award exemplify interdisciplinary team work that places the quality of patient care outcomes above all else in our environment."
The award will be presented at the 2017 Loren Roth Quality and Patient Safety Awards Reception, scheduled for November 9, 2017.