Zhimin Huang, PhD

  • Assistant Professor
  • Director, Laboratory for NeuroControl and Monitoring

Zhimin Huang, PhD, joined the University of Pittsburgh Department of Neurological Surgery as a tenure-track assistant professor in January 2025 and leads the Laboratory for NeuroControl and Monitoring

Dr. Huang received his PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2015. Since 2018, he has pursued postdoctoral training at both the University of Washington and Rice University.

Dr. Huang has made significant contributions to drug development and delivery through several impactful tools, including:

  1. Developing the first comprehensive bioinformatics resource, AlloSteric Database (ASD), for studying protein allosteric regulation,
  2. Developing the rational design of MDL-800, the first-in-class allosteric activator of sirtuin-6; and
  3. Developing Regionally Activated Interstitial Drugs (RAID)—a versatile technology enabling millimeter-precise and noninvasive brain therapeutics over extended periods.

Dr. Huang's publications can be reviewed through Google Scholar.

Specialized Areas of Interest

Site-specific brain therapeutics, synthetic acoustic biomolecular actuators, real-time cell monitoring, therapeutic ultrasound, protein engineering, and noninvasive neuromodulation.

Professional Activities

BRAIN Initiative U24 Study Section, NIH
Invited peer review for Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, Bioengineering & Translational Medicine, Bioinformaitcs, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, RSC Medicinal Chemistry

Education & Training

  • B.Eng, Biomedical Engineering, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China, 2009
  • PhD, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 2015
  • Senior Fellow, University of Washington, 2020
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rice University, 2024

Honors & Awards

  • Foundation Faculty Starter Grant in Drug Delivery, PhRMA, 2025
  • Trainee Highlight Award Honorable Mention, 9th Annual BRAIN Initiative Meeting, 2023
  • Poster Award, International Symposium on Biomolecular Ultrasound and Sonogenetics, 2022
  • Excellent Graduates of Shanghai Colleges and Universities, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, 2015
  • Scholarship Award for Excellent Doctoral Student, Ministry of Education of China, 2012
  • National Scholarship for Graduate Student, Ministry of Education of China, 2012
  • Qiu Shi Graduate Student Scholarship, Qiu Shi Science and Technologies, Foundation, 2012
  • Excellent Oral Presentation Award, Second Session of Graduate Academic Forum, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, 2012
  • First-class Scholarship for Excellent Graduate Students, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2011

Research Activities

At the Laboratory for NeuroControl and Monitoring, Dr. Huang develops noninvasive molecular tools to control and monitor endogenous processes in intact cells and tissues, aiming to deepen the understanding of brain function in both health and disease. By combining therapeutic ultrasound, protein engineering, and pharmacology, we achieve noninvasive, spatiotemporal, and molecularly precise control and monitoring of endogenous molecules in their natural environment. His work aspires to establish new paradigms in neuroscience and advance therapies for brain disorders.

Part of Dr. Huang's ongoing research is supported by the PhRMA Foundation Faculty Starter Grant in Drug Delivery. If you are interested in his work, or have an interest in joining his lab, please visit his lab website and reach out to Dr. Huang.